Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"It's ok. I'm a responsible adult."

Some drivers refuse to live with their mistake. The refuse to continue to drive down the road that the chose in error. Then, make a u-turn to correct their mistake. Instead, they compound their mistake with an even bigger one. And, force the rest of us to bare witness to their blatant acts of vehicular stupidity. With this driver. There were two lanes to their left. They needed to be in the farthest lane over to make the desired left hand turn.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Championship Parking

This is an actual file name for people who never learned to color within the lines at school. It can be argued that these people are "free thinkers". Or, like most people here in the USA. These people are considered to be lazy and just don't care about anyone but themselves. This is an open file and will be filled with photos. Because, as the saying so eloquently goes..."You can't fix stupid."

The photo of the pick-up truck. Is at a local McDonald's. If you notice the back of the truck is on the yellow line. That line marks the outer most boundary of the drive-thru lane. So, this driver is actually blocking a lane with his vehicle.

And, for all drivers in this category.  I truly believe that they all looked back at their vehicles and said or thought "Screw it. I'm only going in for a minute."

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Winter Wonderland

One of the major observations that will be a running theme in this blog. Is human laziness. Sometimes, even the smallest slightest movement can be a burden on people. Like, moving your hand or fingers to operate your turn signal. Most people would require a nap after making that exhaustive maneuver. So, I'll pose this question for you. How much will it cost you (money & time wise) by not doing anything, or as little as possible? Ask this question to yourself when you're at that mental crossroad. 

And, since it's that time (Winter) of the year. I thought I'd give you some food for thought. And, for some people (you know who you are) it may appear that I'm poking a sleeping bear. I mean to. For those people that must park your vehicles outside during the winter. This time of the year can be a real bitch. I know, I used to be one of you. I hit the jackpot and now have a garage to park my car. But, that wasn't before suffering the scrape and brush (and sometimes shovel) of Winter. For me, cleaning off my car was a workout. But, it was also something that I gladly did. Why was I glad to do it? Peace of mind. I knew that I wasn't depositing unwanted ice and/or snow onto city streets or someone elses vehicle. The above picture is the result of someone NOT cleaning off the roof of their car. And then, drive down the interstate. The on coming wind was able to get under the ice and rip it off in a full glorious sheet. Sending it airborne and back into the windshield of the car following behind. Luckily, the woman driving this car and her 7 year old daughter were unhurt. So, I'll go back to the splinter in the mind question that I posed before. How much will it cost you (money & time wise) by not doing anything, or as little as possible? 

To the person or persons saying things like "Well, that lady that was in the car behind should have been watching more closely, not following so close, or should have known that the ice may come off that car." You're a lazy asshole. Clean off your car. You may save a life, save yourself a possible ticket, or at least save yourself a shit load of cash paying for repairs to someone else's vehicle.